• Have coffee delivered to your door every month! Subscribe and save!
  • Have coffee delivered to your door every month! Subscribe and save!
  • Have coffee delivered to your door every month! Subscribe and save!
  • Have coffee delivered to your door every month! Subscribe and save!
  • Have coffee delivered to your door every month! Subscribe and save!

Corporate Gift Sets NOW available! 

Our popular gift sets are now available to gift to your employees, clients, and more, as corporate, professionally packaged gift sets!

Submit an inquiry through our wholesale inquiry form for ,details on pricing, minimum order quantity, and more.

Kingdom Coffee 

Quality Coffee with a Kingdom Impact

Does your church serve coffee as a way of extending hospitality to members and visitors? Now your church can partner with Avanti to bring your church family coffee that serves a higher purpose!  

We are seeking Kingdom minded churches looking to advance the Gospel by all means - even through coffee!  A partnership with Avanti coffee will build connections between your congregation and coffee farmers who are learning the truth about Jesus for the first time. 

  • Corporate Gift Sets NOW available! 

    Our popular gift sets are now available to gift to your employees, clients, and more, as corporate, professionally packaged gift sets!

    Submit an inquiry through our wholesale inquiry form for ,details on pricing, minimum order quantity, and more.

  • Kingdom Coffee 

    Quality Coffee with a Kingdom Impact

    Does your church serve coffee as a way of extending hospitality to members and visitors? Now your church can partner with Avanti to bring your church family coffee that serves a higher purpose!  

    We are seeking Kingdom minded churches looking to advance the Gospel by all means - even through coffee!  A partnership with Avanti coffee will build connections between your congregation and coffee farmers who are learning the truth about Jesus for the first time. 

  • Good for you

    Friends don't let friends drink acidic coffee farmed with pesticides! Our coffee is organically grown at high elevations, resulting in a premium, low-acidic bean that your body will thank you for! Our superior bean quality combined with fresh, small batch roasting is a difference that can be tasted!

  • Good for the farmer

    Avanti was created with the farmer in mind. We provide fair wages, agriculture training, dignity, empowerment, and partner with our farmers to secure a better future for their communities.

  • Do Good

    Sipping Avanti is an invitation to start your day with purpose. We say, "Drink coffee. Change the world." because your coffee sipping habits will make a difference in the world of our farmers, and fuel you to change the world around you.

Drink Coffee. Change the World.

Coffee, along with sugar, was once the backbone of Haiti’s economy.  We believe it could be once again.  Avanti Coffee Company was created not only to showcase Haiti’s premium coffee crop, but also to empower rural mountain villages to thrive through economic development and ethical business practices. 

At Avanti, direct trade means we not only know who our farmers are, but we take time to understand their needs, get to know their families, and even work alongside them in the field on occasion.  We buy our beans directly from the farmers, ensuring they are paid appropriately and that their dignity is protected.  Our direct trade model benefits our customers not only as an ethical value they can feel good about drinking, but also as increased quality assurance.  Our farmers are proud of their work.  They tend to their crops with extra care and attention because Avanti coffee beans are the future of their families. 

Allow Avanti to fuel your days, and your coffee sipping will also be empowering the lives of farmers and their families in rural mountains of Haiti.

Sourcing the highest quality coffee Haiti has to offer while changing the lives of farmers one cup at a time

Changing the Narrative

Frentz & Mallery

He is a fourth generation coffee producer with a heart for his homeland. She is a compassionate visionary with a call to protect and uplift the vulnerable. Together they share an entrepreneurial heart to empower people through job creation and business.

Why Coffee?

A common narrative coming out of Haiti is the country's extreme poverty. We believe coffee can be a major player in changing this narrative. Her towering mountains and warm, humid air were made to grow some of the world's finest beans. Coffee, when purchased at a fair rate, can change the economic climate of families, villages, and the entire country.

  • Testimonial

    The fuel to start my day!

    Avanti Coffee is so delicious and I have been getting the monthly subscription for years now. I love the story behind the coffee too and giving support to the Haitian farmers, their families and community. Mallery and Frentz, you are inspiring and what an adventure you are on. I look forward to what you will do next!

  • Testimonial

    Long time customer

    I have been drinking this coffee for a couple of years now. I like the wonderful flavor, the low acidity, and the fact that I'm making a difference in a Haitian community!

  • Testimonial

    I’m actually not a coffee drinker…

    But Avanti coffee is one of my favorite things to gift (and we have a subscription for my husband). Everyone loves it and most end up ordering more! Especially love that purchasing Avanti creates jobs and supports families in Haiti!!